Over the years I have learned the less I trade the happier I will be. I do not need to catch every price change & wiggle. I can’t try & catch every move. Markets are a constant river of opportunity. All I have to do is grab my chunk, protect it & grow it.
I would rather give the market my time instead of giving my money. Don’t be in a hurry to do too much. The job of a trader is to be here tomorrow.
- 每天都是不同的;
- 每天都在接受挑战,
- 争取做得更好;
- 无限的盈利空间,但止损有限;
- 一直在学习;
- PA总是告诉我们当时的真相;
- 市场是没有歧视的
Reasons I love trading-
- everyday is different.
- I am challenged to be better daily.
- I have unlimited upside with limited downside!
- I am always learning!
- Price action always tells the truth at the time!
- The markets do not discriminate
我热爱交易最重要的原因是–每天都需要我成为最好的自己。我不是市场的受害者,也不是任何东西或任何人的受害者。我控制我的交易。我对自己负责! 市场既不能伤害我,也不能帮助我–只有我可以!
Many reasons why I love trading. Top of the list is-everyday requires me to be the best version of myself I can be. I am not a victim of the market or a victim of anything or anyone. I control my trading. I alone am responsible! The market can’t hurt nor help me-only I can
Last time I got caught I’m an emergency rate change I lost over 1m of my own money in 30 seconds. Not a fun day. Be careful-use stops. Make sure they are stop market orders. What can go wrong will go wrong. Plan for every possible contingency.
I can promise you long term profitable trading is one of the most difficult endeavors of any of us can choose. Not all of us are cut out for it. Too many of us don’t stop when before it’s to late & too many of us quit just as we would break through. Knowing the difference is hard
Learning how to react to wrong decisions is what will keep us in this business.
In these markets with big ranges it is important to never average a bad trade. If you are on the wrong side of a trade GTFO. When you need to get out price is irrelevant. The most important trade is the next one……. Be here for it.
We practice self criticism not self anger. Traders cannot afford to be angry.
If there is one thing I have learned over the years, it is emotional & spiritual& physical capital is just as important if not more important than anything. Anyone can make money trading, very few can keep it & grow it. In 2022-I hope we all work to be better versions of ourselves!
All long term traders know we are all 1 bad trade away from blowing up. Everything-I mean everything I do in my life is meant to guard against it. I know too many traders worth 10-20-50M go completely broke.
I would rather miss a move then to lose money. Turn FOMO to JOMO.
There will always be another trade, a better trade. I don’t miss trades nor do I ‘Monday morning quarterback trades’. EMO ran round the NQ pit yelling “Don’t eat curry in a hurry”. Took me years before i realized what he meant.
Too often traders think to work hard means to always be involved in the market. For me, to work hard means to go run, read more, golfing, eat better, spend more time with my family etc. I see markets clearer & am more in control of my trading when I am the best version of myself.
It is our job as traders to be here tomorrow! Today is a big day with FMOC, press conference & FB earnings-be careful to not try to time a trade based off reports or decisions. Be here tomorrow. You don’t have to make your fortune today. When in doubt-stay out.
交易员需要拥有大多数人缺乏的自信心。我们都必须意识到自信心何时结束,而自负又何时占据上风。 自信的交易者会从失败中夺取胜利,自负的则相反。在所有事情上,要保持平衡。
Traders need to posses a self confidence most lack.We all must be aware wheee self confidence ends & ego takes over. Self confident traders will snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Egotistical traders will snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. Balance in all things.
Keep your trading simple. Find a process that is consistent, repeatable & scaleable. The hard work is done before the market opens & after the close.
I removed my P&L off my screens a long time ago. If I watch my P&L go higher or lower I will cover trades I shouldn’t & put trades on I should avoid. My job is to execute my plan-then I trade price action as it is not as I think or want it to be & I’m not trading my P&L.
I do not see trading as gambling. As in any other business, I have to spend money to make money. I consider the money I spend to find momentum as expenses, not a loss.
Trading just to trade has cost me more money then any other mistake. having no position on is in fact a trading decision.
There is a fine line between traders that struggle & consistently profitable traders. One VIP aspect of that fine line is when to size up or down or not trade. I will cut my size until markers show themselves to me. Go big, go small or not at all.
On the floor I had to compete with other traders, I’d compete with brokers, banks & funds. Now, I only compete with myself. I compete against my weaknesss.My habits & routines help me be a better trader & a better person. Competing with myself, if I’m not moving forward I am going backwards.
Your method matters, after 26 years of backtesting 52 books of trading we have found no trading methodology that works. Only our own ideas worked when backtested and then run. Matt you should congrat yourself that you have methods that over the law of large numbers work!!
We all know the odds are against us being long term successful traders. It is a tiny fraction of the amount of traders that make big money. But-it IS possible. Difficult as can be-but possible. 1 day, 1 trade at a time. Do the work. Don’t snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory